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Sharron Vogler

Senior Associate Director, Market Readiness and Employment, Wake Forest School of Business

1. How do you define success for yourself? What has helped you to be successful?

Sharron Vogler head shot
Sharron Vogler

Success for me is watching the students I work with grow and develop into successful thriving adults.

2. Think of a time that you faced a challenge, obstacle, or roadblock. How did you get through that and what did you learn?

Life is full of challenges and obstacles. I push through them by surrounding myself with people or are supportive and smarter than me. I have my own personal board of directors and I consult with them sometimes daily. I would not be the person, parent or professional I am today without close friends and mentors.

3. Who are your people (either by name or role) who help you to be successful/confident/intentional/reflective/any other descriptor you want to use? And how have they helped you?

I have so many people it’s hard to pick. Since this is a Wake Forest platform I’ll call out two Deacon alums. Steve Davis and Bridget Holcombe. Steve is my brother-in-law and a double Deac. He was instrumental in helping me network with the right people to land this job. He always challenges me to think strategically and I relish in every conversation I get to have with him regardless of the topic from white privilege to critiquing academy nominated movies. Secondly, Bridget Holcombe who just makes me a better person and catapulted my ability to connect, coach and advise students effectively with compassion and purpose. I could go on and on with more examples of ‘my people’. I am truly blessed.

4. How did you find your people?

By marriage and by luck.

5. What advice would you give to Wake Forest students as they look for their people?

Look for (always be looking) and align yourself with people who compliment you and/or fill a gap in your portfolio of life skills. Give more than you take and always be looking for humans who you can learn from.