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Lori Sykes

Senior Associate Director, Employer Relations, Wake Forest University

1. How do you define success for yourself? What has helped you to be successful?

Lori Sykes head shot photo
Lori Sykes

Success for me is more about achieving growth – both personally and professionally. If I am pushing myself to grow, to try new things and have new experiences, I see that as achieving success. Success is more of an attitude than a result.

2. Think of a time that you faced a challenge, obstacle, or roadblock. How did you get through that and what did you learn?

I started my career at Wake in a part-time, project-based role. I wanted to get my foot in the door and use my education and skills to advance, so I was willing to do a role that I was very over-qualified for. It took years for me to make it to where I am today but I wanted to stay at Wake Forest. What that wait taught me is that good work will be noticed and appreciated, you sometimes just have to be patient.

3. Who are your people (either by name or role) who help you to be successful/confident/intentional/reflective/any other descriptor you want to use? And how have they helped you?

I have a great group of “people” in NCACE (North Carolina Association of Colleges & Employers) that are just as passionate as I am about helping students find their way along the college to career journey. The fellowship and mentorship that I get from my NCACE colleagues allows me to reflect on best practices in my specific role, achieve real personal growth in certain areas and just have fun when we all get together.

4. How did you find your people?

I found my people about five or six years ago when Dana Hutchens “voluntold” me to participate on the board of NCACE. I’ve never looked back. I’ve had lots of other people in my life at various stages but these folks have withstood the test of time.

5. What advice would you give to Wake Forest students as they look for their people?

People will come and go in your life….especially as you change jobs as well as locations. If they are truly your people, it won’t be hard to stay in touch and remain connected. Keep those people and let the others go.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Life is not guaranteed. Success takes hard work. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake!