Mentoring Resource Center Premium Access: For Non-Wake Forest Site Users

The Mentoring Resource Center Premium Access offers you the opportunity to explore, download, and utilize all of our tools and resources for mentoring efforts at your organization. With your one-time payment, you have unlimited access to all of the materials on this site, as well as any additional materials that are added in the future. Registration is now open! Access this registration page to get started!  *Please note: You must provide us with a Google email address to use for your Premium Access account, as we house all of our materials within the Google Suite.*

What do I get with Premium Access?

  • Mentor/Mentee Training Materials:
    • Guide to Mentoring Training
    • Mentoring Program Orientation PowerPoint presentation
    • Mentoring Program Closure PowerPoint presentation
    • Training Videos
  • Tools and Handouts:
    • Mentoring Program Coordinator Handbook
    • Mentor Handbook
    • Mentee Handbook
    • Mentoring Relationship Agreement Form
    • Goal-Setting Worksheet
    • Best Practice Handouts on Asking Good Questions, Asking For and Receiving Feedback, Giving Effective Feedback, and more!
    • Guide for Mentoring Around Cross-Cultural Experiences
    • Faculty Guide for Mentoring Student Projects
    • Mentoring Group Facilitator and Starter Guide
  • Conversation Guides:
    • Handouts for mentors and/or mentoring group leaders
    • Guides featuring books, articles, conversation prompts, and reflection questions

Who should purchase Premium Access?

Premium Access is available to individuals from both not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Whether you manage a mentoring program for students on a college campus or oversee a young professionals mentoring program as a Human Resources professional at a large corporation, our materials can be utilized with a wide variety of audiences.

Once purchased, who can use the Premium Access site?

Only the individual email address used to purchase a premium account will have access to this site. We cannot add additional members or email addresses from your organization without payment. You must use a Gmail/Google email account as we use the Google Suite to house our Premium Access site and corresponding resources.

How do I purchase Premium Access and begin exploring the tools and resources?

Go here to register and process payment! for your Premium Access account. Once we receive notification of your payment, our Mentoring Resource Center staff will be in touch within 48 hours with an email granting you permission to begin using our Premium Access site.

The cost is $1500. This is a one-time fee for unlimited site access.

What else do I need to know about using the tools and resources on the Premium Access site at my organization or institution?

The tools and resources provided to you on our Premium Access site have been created by Wake Forest University Mentoring Resource Center staff and are copyrighted. Do not remove or alter the copyrights at the bottom of each document when using them for your purposes. We ask that you use each document in its original form. We encourage you to create your own mentoring materials for those documents that are not entirely applicable to your mentoring program(s) or initiatives. You will be able to download all documents in PDF or PowerPoint formats.

I have more questions. Who should I contact?

Should you have additional questions about use of these documents or any issues with downloads, please contact us: Allison McWilliams (at or Lauren Beam (at

Interested in Premium Access to the Mentoring Resource Center?

Premium Access click here to register button

*Please note: You must provide us with a Google email address to use for your Premium Access account, as we house all of our materials within the Google Suite.*

Check out samples of the following FREE resources as a preview to our Premium Access content. You can also see additional content and materials here.

Program Coordinator Handbook Cover
Quick Guide to Building Your Mentoring Network Preview
Asking For and Reflecting on Feedback sample image