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Four colorful gear icons
Core Four areas: Build relationships, set goals, seek feedback, reflect on experiences

Develop these skills at Wake Forest.
Apply them to your life & career after college.

College provides the opportunity to learn and practice key skill sets that you will use throughout your life and career beyond Wake Forest.

That’s why we created the COREFour Mentoring Skills: four skill areas that every Wake Forest student should develop and eventually be able to apply to their lives after college.

We believe that the COREFour are integral life skills for engaging in mentoring relationships and being successful in your post-college career. In fact, McKinsey & Company published an article, Defining the skills citizens will need in the future of work, in which they share key skill sets that result in positive outcomes for employees in the world of work. Their findings demonstrate that our COREFour skills are more important than ever for college students to be career ready after graduation.

Students: Start developing these skills now! One easy place to start is with our LinkedIn Learning Pathway for the COREFour. Click here to get started!

COREFour logo with colorful gears and the LinkedIn Learning logo

Faculty and Staff: There are many opportunities to incorporate the COREFour Mentoring Skills into your students’ learning moments. We’ve created this guide to provide direction as you support students in developing these skills.

Yellow background with text overlay and graphic of colorful gears

Black text about building relationships with colorful gear graphics

Personal and professional relationships are key to your success.  We all need people to support us. Here are some practical actions you can take to build relationships:

For more tips and strategies, download this best practice guide for building relationships:

Colorful circles and boxes with text

text about setting goals with colorful gear graphics

Goals provide direction and a plan to get there. Put this into practice by doing the following:

For more tips and strategies, download this best practice guide for setting goals:

Colorful rectangular boxes with text

Text about seeking feedback with colorful gear graphics

Feedback provides critical insight into your strengths and growth areas.  You can practice seeking out and receiving feedback from others by: 

For more tips and strategies, download this best practice guide for seeking feedback:

Colorful circles and rectangular boxes with text

Text about reflecting on feedback with colorful gear graphics

Reflection is how you learn from your past and move forward in the future. To practice reflecting on your experiences, try the following:

For more tips and strategies, download this best practice guide to practicing reflection:

Colorful rectangular boxes with text